Spring’s Transforming Power • Island Reflections

I found myself slowly transform from a beastly creature to a gentle, creative mom with the ability to smile and laugh once again – Island Reflections.

Written by: Gretta Kennedy – Traveling Islanders

I was in one of those moods.  You know the mood I’m talking about.  I stayed up too late last night and forgot to make my coffee this morning so my ability to be friendly certainly wasn’t at its peak. The day was gorgeous.  We’d been waiting all winter for sunny days when we are all home to enjoy it together.  Then today came.  My dear husband called me outside from my spot snuggled up next to a child where I was desperately trying to sleep, in order that I may help him with some much-needed yard work.  Normally I love yard work.  The chance to get dirt under my fingernails, move how my body was intended to move, but today I grumbled and complained. Eventually my husband’s bellows convinced me outdoors and I found myself standing beside him while he raked. It was here where Nature changed my heart.

Have you ever looked up at the clear, blue sky and noticed how the varying shades of green pop out in perfect, beautiful contrast?  Or walked up to a tree in full bloom and heard the loud motor hum of bees gathering the needed pollen for sweet, sweet honey?  Or felt the gentle breeze that brings with it the smells of Spring?

I found myself slowly transform from a beastly creature to a gentle, creative mom with the ability to smile and laugh once again.  And then, as if by magic, it rubbed off on the kids.  Instead of sitting inside playing board games, lego or watching a show, the kids too, venture outside where their imaginations have freedom to take them to the moon on their stump “rocket ship” or race down the street on their bikes testing the limits of what they can do.

Getting outside is balm for the soul. Whether a hike, a walk along the beach, planting a garden, climbing a tree or just sitting on a blanket with a good book, get outside and experience the beauty and the wonder of Spring.

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